Sustainability Pledge


iSquared Yoga's Sustainability Pledge

At iSquared Yoga, we are more than a brand; we are a community dedicated to the well-being of our planet and the practice of mindful living. We understand the fashion industry's significant role in global CO2 emissions, and we're committed to being part of the solution, not the problem. Our pledge is to chart a sustainable path forward that honors our planet without compromising on the quality and personalization our customers have come to expect.

Our Choice of Materials

The path to sustainable clothing begins from the materials, we have opted to use only eco-friendly, non toxic, non animal sourced materials.

All our print, from the ink to printing system are all optimized to use only water based sublimation ink that doesn't cause harm to the environment. By printing instead of dyeing*, we contribute zero pollution yet we are able to deliver the most vibrant colors possible thanks to our high tech production process.

*Our cotton based products are pre-fabricated and dyed by our manufacturing partners certified by OEKO-TEX®.

Our Sustainable Business Model

We operate on a made-to-order basis, which allows us to eliminate excess waste and reduce unsold inventory. Our AI-powered, streamlined production workflow ensures that we produce only what is needed, when it is needed, thereby minimizing our carbon footprint and contributing to a cleaner world.

Eco-friendly Operations - A Closed-Loop System

At iSquared Yoga, all returns are given a second life. Whether reused, donated, repurposed, or recycled, no item goes to waste. We are continuously exploring innovative ways to make our operations more sustainable and are committed to a zero-waste policy.

Our Vision for the Future

We envision a future where technology allows every individual to "print" their products on-demand, thus eliminating the need for mass production and reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing. Our goal is to lead by example, showing that a seamless marriage of technology, fashion, and sustainability is not only possible but essential.

Stepping Towards a Sustainable Future

While we have not yet pursued official environmental certifications, our commitment to sustainability is unwavering. We are dedicated to transparency and continual improvement, promising to explore opportunities that further align with eco-friendly practices.

Engagement and Community

We believe in the power of community. Sustainable change comes from collective effort, and while we currently do not have formal customer engagement programs, we encourage our customers to join us on this journey, sharing ideas and practices that can amplify our impact.

Measuring Our Impact

We recognize the importance of measuring and reporting on our sustainability initiatives. While we are in the early stages of determining the best methods for tracking our progress, we pledge to identify key performance indicators that reflect our environmental stewardship and to share our progress with our community.

In making this pledge, iSquared Yoga commits to acting responsibly, innovating continuously, and inspiring others to join us in making sustainability an integral part of yoga and daily life. We invite you, our valued customers and partners, to hold us accountable and to celebrate our shared steps towards a healthier planet.

Together, we can make a difference—one yoga pose, one custom-made product, one sustainable choice at a time.

Join us in bending the trend towards a more sustainable world.

With gratitude and responsibility,


Jimmy Lau


iSquared Yoga