Hot Yoga Tips (Standing Head To Knee) - iSquaredYoga

Hot Yoga Tips (Standing Head To Knee)

Bikram Hot Yoga Standing Head to Knee


As shown above, Standing Head to Knee is a four-step posture

Step 1: Picking up right foot, locking the standing knee

Step 2: Kick the leg forward towards the mirror with the leg exactly parallel to the floor, this is the longest hold of the posture, keep kicking forward, keep pulling on the foot, flexing the toes in beyond perpendicular towards the face

Step 3: Only when both knees are locked, then bend the elbows down towards the calf muscle, eventually the elbows go below the calf muscle

Step 4: Only when step 3 is absolutely nailed, then tuck the chin the the chest, round the back, look at the stomach and touch the forehead to the knee

Special note on locking the knee:

To successfully lock the knee in Hot Yoga, 3 criterias must be met:


  1. Knee must be pushed all the way back until there is no space to go
  2. Thigh must be contracted to the maximum possible to pull the knee cap up
  3. Hip must be directly above the ankle
Bikram Hot Yoga Standing Head to Knee

Focus on the standing knee in the mirror, make sure standing knee is absolutely locked, kicking leg exactly parallel to the floor

Special note on the grip:

Make sure to use all ten fingers in the grip, if it gets slippery, try connecting thumb and index fingers as shown above

Here is an example of a bad grip without using the thumbs



This is a short part of the Full Hot Yoga Guide, get yours for free at the following links:

Standing Series 

Floor Series


Until Next time,

Stay Fit! Stay Artful!



iSquared Yoga

