AI Art Generation Beginner's guide

What is an "AI Art Generator" and what is an "AI Prompt"?

An AI art generator is like a super talented robot artist that can create pictures or paintings based on what you tell it to do. You don't need to know how to draw or paint because the AI does all the hard work for you. All you need is an idea, and the AI turns that idea into art.

Now, what you tell the AI to do is called a "prompt." Think of it like giving instructions to a friend. If you say, "Draw me a cat," that's a prompt. And here is the result:





But if you want something really cool, you'd give more details, like "Draw me a cat with sunglasses, sitting on a skateboard, in front of a graffiti wall."


The more details you give, the better the AI can make the picture look like what you're imagining.

So, when you're using an AI art generator, you're basically having a conversation with a robot artist. You give it prompts, and it shows you the art it creates from those prompts. It's a fun way to make all kinds of art without needing to pick up a paintbrush!

There are many options in the market right now, at iSquared Yoga we mainly use OpenAI Dalle2 and Dalle3.



A beginner's guide to the iSquared Yoga AI Art Prompt Competition

Creating an AI art generation prompt for the iSquared Yoga AI Prompt Competition involves crafting a detailed and imaginative description that guides the AI to generate a specific and unique piece of art. Here's a step-by-step tutorial to help you craft a compelling prompt:

1. Define Your Theme

Start by deciding on a theme that resonates with you! This could be anything from serene yoga poses, the interplay of nature and yoga, to abstract concepts like mindfulness and inner peace. The sky is the limit, you can ask for anything you want with AI prompts!


2. Be Specific

The more specific you are with your description, the better the AI can understand and visualize your concept. Include details about the setting, objects, characters, colors, and mood. For example, instead of saying "a yoga pose," specify "a tranquil yoga studio with morning sunlight filtering through bamboo blinds, highlighting a yogi in a Lotus pose."


3. Incorporate Emotion and Atmosphere

Emphasize the emotion or atmosphere you want to evoke. Mention if you want the artwork to feel calming, energizing, mystical, or joyful. For instance, "The artwork should exude a sense of calm and serenity, with a color palette that soothes the soul."


4. Add Unique Elements

Introduce elements that make your prompt stand out. This could be a fusion of styles, unexpected objects, or a creative twist on traditional yoga imagery. For example, "In the foreground, a classic yoga mat morphs into a flowing river, symbolizing the journey of life."


5. Review and Refine

Read over your prompt to ensure it's clear, detailed, and captures your vision. Remove any ambiguity and consider how each element contributes to the overall concept.


Example Prompt:

"Generate an artwork depicting a serene yoga studio at dawn. The studio is set in a lush, verdant garden with a clear view of the rising sun. A yogi is in the midst of a Sun Salutation, their silhouette casting long shadows on the bamboo floor. The color scheme should be warm, with golden hues of the sunrise blending with the greens of nature. The atmosphere should convey a sense of peace and renewal, inviting the viewer to pause and reflect."

 This is the result of the example prompt: generated with OpenAI Dalle3:


Submission Guidelines:

  • Entry example: "Digital Art of a Flying Eagle over mountains of flowing lava"
  • Your Best Prompt Only: One submission per person. Please only send your prompt, do not send images.*
  • Include Your Details: Make sure to include your name and your Instagram ID (if available) in your submission.
  • Deadline: Submissions must be sent to or to this form by March 14, 2024.

* To ensure fairness, we will generate all entries with the same AI Art Generator and the entries will be put to a vote!

Remember, the goal is to inspire creativity and explore the intersection of AI and art within the yoga community. Good luck with your submission!




iSquared Yoga