About our Premium Artwork Printed Canvas


About our Premium Artwork Printed Canvas

Each matte canvas comes with back hanging already included for convenient placement. The frame is made with profile radial pine that is ethically sourced from renewable forests.

  • Back hanging included
  • Ideal for your creative projects or gallery quality prints
  • Soft rubber dots on bottom back corners for support
  • Frame made with radial pine sourced from renewable forests
  • Cotton and polyester canvas composite with a special proprietary coating

Key features

Unique coating

Unique coating

Our partner uses a unique canvas coating that produces the highest quality images using UL-certified Greenguard Gold inks

Sustainable product

Sustainable product

The canvas prints are stretched on our proprietary profile radial pine produced from use wood from FSC certified renewable forests

Latex inks

Latex inks

Canvas are printed using latex inks that are non-hazardous, non-toxic, non-flammable

2 rubber dots

2 rubber dots

Rubber dots on the bottom of canvas ensures the canvas stays in place when hung


Care instructions

If the canvas does gather any dust, you may wipe it off gently with a clean, damp cloth.