Frequently Asked Questions

My Order


How do I place my order?
Simply choose your favorite design or style from the drop-down menu on the product page.
Then click "Add To Cart" and follow the steps to complete your order.
You will receive a confirmation email with your order details immediately after you finish your purchase.
How do I check the status of my order?
Within 5-14 days, a shipping confirmation will be sent to you via e-mail. In this email, you will have a View Order button which will take you directly to the live tracking updates. Once on the tracking page, click on Track Your Package to follow the status of your order.
I changed my mind, can I cancel or modify my order?
Sure! Contact our Customer Support and we'll make sure to process your cancelation or modification request.
However, please keep in mind that any cancellation or modification request can be granted if it's still within 24 hours since the order was placed.
After 24 hours, the order will be in production and it will already be too late to process cancellation or changes in the order. Our Customer Support team operates 24/7 to serve you better! If you are emailing to request a cancellation or change in your order, this will not be confirmed until our team has responded to you.
I emailed to cancel my order but still received a shipment notification?
Our Customer Support team operates 24/7 to serve you better! If you are emailing to request a cancellation or change in your order, this will not be confirmed until our team has responded to you.
If you receive a shipment notification after having cancelled your order, please contact us as soon as possible at Contact Us and we will make sure your order is cancelled. We will fix it for you ASAP.
What if I don't get a confirmation email?
If you don't see a confirmation email in your inbox, check your spam folder or make sure that you entered the correct email address when you checked out.
Still can’t find it? Don’t worry, just Contact Us and we'll send it again.
Contact Us
How do I contact you?
We are more than happy to assist you with any concerns. You can click this, send us an email at
How do I provide feedback?
Once your package arrives, you will receive an email where you can write a review about your product(s). Your feedback is always important to us and we will be happy to hear from you.
Product & Pricing
How Does iSquared Yoga Keep Its Prices Competitive?
We are an online retailer offering custom designed apparel and products.
We supply print-on-demand and ship our products directly from the manufacturer to you, which means there are no middlemen, mark-ups, or extra charges for our merchandise.
Check out our About Us to learn more about our brand.
What materials does iSquared Yoga use?
We partnered with top-rated manufacturers to bring you high-quality products made from premium materials.
For more information about our products and materials, visit the Sizing Chart page or check out the Product Details on any of our product pages.
How do I know which size to get?
Ordering online can be a gamble, but we make it easy. Before you place an order, we suggest checking our Sizing Chart provided on our product pages.
What is the product guarantee?
iSquared Yoga offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
All of our products are carefully inspected for quality and we will reprint any flawed apparel, damaged item, poor-quality printing, or incorrect item free of charge. Please see our Return And Refund Policy for further details
What type of payments do you accept?
We accept Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Discover, JBC, and Diners Club cards as well as Paypal and Shop.
What currency are the prices in?
All prices in our store are in US dollar currency. But you can choose to display all the products in your local currency.
When will my card be charged?
Just after your order has been successfully placed.
How Secure is my Personal Information?
iSquared Yoga adheres to the highest industry standards to protect your personal information when you checkout and purchase from our online store.
Your credit card information is encrypted during transmission using secure socket layer (SSL) technology, which is widely used on the Internet for processing payments. Your credit card information is only used to complete the requested transaction and is not subsequently stored.
How do I use a discount code?
Our store offers the best deals!
On the first page of the checkout, there will be a box for you to enter your discount code in. Make sure to click ‘Apply’. Once the discount code has been applied successfully, you will be able to see the total discount before making your payment.
Note: Promo and discount codes are not stackable and you can use only one of them on each of your orders. We suggest making separate purchases if you want to use multiple discount codes. (eg. 15% Discount on one order, buy one get one free on the next)
Can the Gift Card be used in conjunction with a discount code?
The gift card code can be used together with the discount code. Just simply apply one code at a time in the discount box at the checkout.
How long are Gift Cards valid for?
The gift cards that we offer do not expire.
Where can iSquared Yoga Gift Card be purchased?
Gift cards are available from our website. What better way to share artful taste with your friends and family than by purchasing our gift cards. Just click this link to purchase our gift cards.
I forgot to use my discount code.
If you were unable to apply your discount code in your order, please contact us immediately and we will be happy to assist you
What to do if I am having issues completing my order at check out?
Our website operates smoothly but there are rare instances that may prevent you from placing an order. If you encounter any issues checking out, we recommend trying the following:
Clear your browser cache and it might fix the issue.
If clearing your browser cache and cookie history does not resolve the issue, we recommend trying to complete your purchase with a different browser (Firefox, Chrome, etc) or device.
If you're still having trouble, please contact us us and we'll investigate further. You may also send us an e-mail to place an order.
Shipping & Delivery
When can I expect to receive my package?
All of our products are printed on demand and handmade specially for each customer when they order. This process allows us to create unique and quality custom designs with no waste.
It usually takes 5-7 days for our production team to make your order. When the order ships out, the estimated timeframe for you to receive it is around 2 to 8 business days.
Do I need to sign for my parcel?
A signature is not required when receiving the package.
I never received my package, what should I do?
If you still have not received your package 60 days after placing your order, please let us know. This kind of issue does not happen often but if you experience it, please contact our customer support and we'll sort it out ASAP and we'll surely do our best to assist you.
How much does shipping cost?
Once you've clicked through to Secure Checkout, you can enter your delivery address and continue to the shipping method.
Shipping costs are calculated and added to your subtotal in the order summary.
Can I upgrade my shipping to express?
We understand that you are super excited to receive your order. We sincerely apologize but we do not offer express shipping at the moment.
Why are tax rates different for each state in the US?
Sale tax rates differ by state and you'll be able to see the costs in your order summary!
To abide by the law, we do have to follow these guidelines. This is completely out of our control and we cannot alter these charges.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we do international shipping and we are still increasing the number of countries that we ship to.
At the moment, we deliver to the following countries:
What About International Custom Fees?
Import duties, taxes, and charges are already included in the price of the product for US and European customers, but not in the price of the shipping. Outside of US and EU, these charges may vary from one country to another and they are your responsibility.
You could verify the charges with your country's customs office to determine what these additional fees might be.
For European Union Countries: Will I be charged with VAT? When does VAT apply?
VAT is charged on every order shipping to European Union member countries including Norway and other EEC member states, please refer to your check out page for details. Because the VAT is already charged during check out, you can have peace of mind that the customs are paid for and you will NOT receive a surprise VAT bill. If there is any issue with VAT, please send an email to and we will do our best to assist you!
Return & Refund
What should I do If I ordered the wrong size or color?
If you ordered the wrong size or color, please contact our Customer Support or email us at Since our products are custom made just for you they will already be in production after 24 hours so we can't make any changes to your order. If that's the case, please wait until you get it and if you're not happy with what you received, we will replace it for you.
What should I do If I'm not satisfied with the printing quality?
If you're not in love with your product and would like to have it replaced or refunded for whatever reason, please contact our Customer Support within 60 days after placing your order. We're here to help!
What should I do If I receive the wrong product or miss an item from my order?
We apologize for any inconveniences and we'd be delighted to help you right away by offering a free replacement order.
Please contact our Customer Support and we'll be happy to assist!
Note: All FREE/SALE item(s) are non-refundable. However, a store credit or replacement is an option if there's an issue with the product received.
Will my shipping costs be refunded if my order is "Return to Sender"?
If the order is returned because you provided the wrong address, we will reship it to you and our Customer Support will reach out to you.
You will need to pay a shipping fee to cover the costs of reshipping. If you choose not to have us reship the order, we will refund you, but the refund will not include the original shipping costs.
Do you have a returns policy?
Since all of our products are custom-printed just for you, our store does not accept returns. Instead, we will replace defective items or an incorrect order simply by receiving a photograph showing the specific problem with the product and by including the order number.
If ever you have an issue with your product, for example if you ordered a wrong size, please let us know. We will do our best to help!