AI Art Generator Beginner's guide now Available!

AI Art Generator Beginner's guide now Available!

We have received some enquiries regarding our AI art prompt competition. "What is it?" is the most common question we have received so far. So today I have created an AI Art Generator Beginner's guide for those of you who need a little extra information.

You can view the page here:


We have extended the deadline for the competition to 14th March for those who need a little time to learn the basics of AI!!


**Pro-tip : Your prompt doesn't have to be very elaborate, sometimes simple prompt can also create great result! 


Submission Guidelines:

  • Your Best Prompt Only: One submission per person.
  • Include Your Details: Make sure to include your name and your Instagram ID (if available) in your submission.
  • Deadline: Submissions must be sent to or by filling out this form by March 14, 2024.


1st Prize : $200 iSquared Yoga Gift Card

2nd Prize : $100 iSquared Yoga Gift Card

3rd Prize : $50 iSquared Yoga Gift Card


Send in your entry now!!

Until Next time!

Stay Fit! Stay Artful!




iSquared Yoga

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