Hot Yoga Tips (Tree & Toe Stand)
Tree Pose:
Special Note about Tree:
Aim to bring the ankle as high up towards the hips as possible, this posture will help to open the hips and prepare for lotus eventually
Potentially irritating for the knee if there is any knee related injuries or tightness, do what you can and absolutely avoid pushing through the pain
Toe Stand:

For some people, your Toes Stand ends at this stage and you might find it impossible to keep going, that’s perfectly fine! Just stay where you are and enjoy your balance

Only When you touch the floor with the fingertips, then you bend the knee and sit down, walk the hands back and bring the hands to the chest
At this stage, you must try to lift your hands off the floor to experience the balance on the toes at least once in every class!

*Focus always on the floor in front of you is the authentic way, some practitioners like to look forward to the mirror, use your own judgment about this
Special Note for Toes Stand:
Try your best to bring your foot EXACTLY perpendicular to the floor, it is the best way to stretch your toes! This can be very challenging at first, work your way up standing higher on your toes in Awkward part II and part III (particularly part III) will help you improve your Toes Stand!

This is a short part of the Full Hot Yoga Guide, get yours for free at the following links:
Until Next time,
Stay Fit! Stay Artful!
iSquared Yoga