Hot Yoga Tips (Standing Bow Pulling) - iSquaredYoga

Hot Yoga Tips (Standing Bow Pulling)

Standing Bow Pulling Pose

Bikram Yoga Hot Yoga Standing Bow Pulling Pose

Standing Bow Pulling pose is the most iconic posture in the Hot Yoga series, same locking the knee mechanism applies as Standing Head to Knee pose

Bikram Yoga Hot Yoga Standing Bow Pulling Pose

As shown in the pictures above and below, Standing Bow is simultaneously a backbend and a twist, both have to happen at the same time for the front shoulder to touch the chin

Similar to Standing Head to Knee, focus on the knee in the front mirror, making sure it is absolutely locked throughout the entire posture

Bikram Yoga Hot Yoga Standing Bow Pulling Pose

Special note about the grip:

Follow the 3 steps for a correct grip every time

Step 1. Palm to the front then to the side, elbow inside with the palm facing up

Step 2. Straighten the right arm without turning the arm or wrist

Step 3. Without turning the arm or wrist, pick up the right foot from the inside, at the ankle



This is a short part of the Full Hot Yoga Guide, get yours for free at the following links:

Standing Series 

Floor Series


Until Next time,

Stay Fit! Stay Artful!



iSquared Yoga

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