Hot Yoga Tips (Dead Body Pose / Savasana)

Hot Yoga Tips (Dead Body Pose / Savasana)


Bikram Hot Yoga Savasana


Everybody’s favorite posture, the “Hot Yoga way” of doing Savasana is to have the heels together touching side by side, feet fall open, arms by the body with palms facing up, it’s not as comfortable as having the feet apart and it’s supposed to not be too comfortable to keep us in the present

You worked hard up to this point, give yourself a couple of minutes of rest, BE STILL. Savasana is not completely at rest, but rather a controlled rest where you actively keep the body in stillness, which requires focus and concentration

You may have heard me saying this in class before: Savasana is the best place to train your focus and it is absolutely beautiful. Keep working on it and see how your practice evolves over the coming years!


Bikram Hot Yoga Savasana

This is a short part of the Full Hot Yoga Guide, get yours for free at the following links:

Standing Series 

Floor Series


Until Next time,

Stay Fit! Stay Artful!



iSquared Yoga


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