Hot Yoga Tip (Sit-up)

Exact sequence to perform Sit Up correctly:
From Savasana, bring the arms up over head and cross the thumbs
Feet together, toes and heels touched, flexing the feet towards your face, heels touching the floor
Take a deep breath
Sit up at the end of the inhalation and grab the toes with full lungs
Exhale strongly twice through the mouth and bring forehead to the knee twice
Special note on Sit Up:
Your spine should be rounded on your way up, do not do Sit Up with a straight spine
The grip should be with middle and index fingers
During the “double exhale”, if your forehead can touch the knee, allow your head to bounce up a bit before the second exhale which should be even stronger than the first one.
This is a short part of the Full Hot Yoga Guide, get yours for free at the following links:
Until Next time,
Stay Fit! Stay Artful!
iSquared Yoga